First download sj-parallax.js and sj-parallax.css here, after downloading continue with the following steps.
Include files to website
<script type="text/javascript" rel="javascript" src="[path to sj-parallax.js]"></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="[path to sj-parallax.css]">
Background When adding a parallax effect to the background
This only makes the background move
Example code<div class="sj-parallax" data-type="background" data-offset="50" style="background-image: url('/img/example.png')></div>
Normal element When adding a parallex effect to an normal element
This makes the entire element move
Example code<img class="sj-parallax" data-type="normal" data-offset="20" src="/img/example.png">
Fixed Background When adding a parallex effect to a background of an element with a fixed position
This only makes the background move
Example code<div class="sj-parallex" data-type="fixedbackground" data-offset="50"></div>
When using one of the background types, you have the ability to set the position of the background.
You can do this by adding 'data-from="top"' or 'data-from="center"' or 'data-from="bottom"'.